SMART(ER) Business Marketing Newsletter Series – Page 1 – 02/24

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SMART(ER) Business Marketing Newsletters – The Background Story!

We have published a series of weekly newsletters for members to keep them abreast of trends, people, and opportunities in the business marketing world.

These are sent out via email to all of our subscribers. However, we have decided from feedback that they also belong within the academy.

Enjoy, take notes, take the advice, and let us know what you think in the comments or the SMART Biz Community!

Note that due to the total number of newsletters (over 150 to now!), they will be broken up by month within the academy…This is page 1 (February 2024) of many!

SMART(ER) Marketing Newsletter Series - Issue 152 Cover Image

Issue #152 – February 2024

SMART(ER) Newsletter Series - Banner Image for PDF Download

SMART(ER) Business Network Membership Monthly Special Offer Sale Banner

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SMART(ER) Marketing Newsletter Series - Issue 152 Cover Image

Issue #153 – February 2024

SMART(ER) Newsletter Series - Banner Image for PDF Download

SMART(ER) Business Network Annual Membership Special Sale Banner

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SMART(ER) Marketing Newsletter Series - Issue 152 Cover Image

Issue #154 – February 2024

SMART(ER) Newsletter Series - Banner Image for PDF Download

SMART(ER) Business Network Membership 2 Year 1 Pay Option Sale Banner

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SMART(ER) Marketing Newsletter Series - Issue 152 Cover Image

Issue # 151 – February 2024

SMART(ER) Newsletter Series - Banner Image for PDF Download

SMART(ER) Business Network Lifetime Membership 3 Pay Option Sale Banner

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Read More Articles In Our Newsletters (Link To Page 2)

As we add the newsletters within the academy, we want to provide an easy way for you to get to the next set…This is page 1, next comes page 2!

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